Saturday, February 4, 2017

I Be Scrappin' Y'all

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As y'all know, I have been doing some remodeling of our basement. Well, I finished the pallet wall and bench!! It looks GORGEOUS!! Pictures of the completed room when we get the carpet in...Anyway. I had a lot of scrap pieces of wood hanging around and I just felt terrible thinking about just burning it in the fire.  What was I going to do!?!?!

Well, several months ago I got me some burlap and wrote on it and thought I would make a pillow of it and just throw it on my new bed, but that just didn't seem right. So it just hung out in my pile of "stuff". Well, TODAY, I go a itching for creative crafting and this is what came of it. It was a simple project. Steps below. Enjoy.

STEP 1:  I do not have pictures of me writing out the words, but I print out the words and taped them together in the size I wanted. I taped that to our HUGE center bay window and put the burlap on tap. This allowed the light to come through so I could trace it, with a Sharpie on to the burlap. Then I just filled in the word "beautiful" to make it stand out.
Burlap all rolled out and being dry-fit 
Taping down the edges of the burlap will help keep it from bubbling.
STEP 2: Don't mind the our basement floor.  I had some scrap 1/4 inch plywood and I rolled the burlap across it and taped it down. With the extra pieces of scrap pallet wood I dry-fit the boards around the words.

Jigs are AWESOME!!
STEP 3: Once you have the placements of your dry-fit frame, get everything cut down to size.

Power shot Brad nailer
STEP 4:  Now, I do not claim to be the brightest bulb in the box, but I just figured out that my power shot was a brad nailer too!!! That tad bit of information would have come in quit handy when I was putting on my shiplap, but I digress. Turn over your burlap sign and attach it to your pallet wood.


I think I am going to love it. I am planning on putting it right over our guestroom bed.

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